Our Democracy Requires Year-round Work | Opinion

In 2020, more Americans showed up to the polls than ever before. While that is an exciting milestone for many of us, unfortunately, there are state legislators across the nation who are saying “never again,” and working hard to suppress the vote. For our democracy to prevail, it will take all of us working together to stop voter suppression, and ensure all Americans can vote in free and fair elections.

State lawmakers in Georgia were the first to ram through a racist voter suppression bill, SB202. The Brennan Center is tracking 389 similar voter suppression bills in 48 states that are all based on the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump through voter fraud. The politicians behind these proposals are hoping our collective attention and investment in politics will wane, as it does after many elections. Without the spotlight on politics, they believe they can enact new voter ID restrictions, limits on vote by mail and politicize elections without repercussions.

As advocates dedicated to year-round organizing for our communities, we are not going down without a fight. These voter suppression bills are a partisan effort to disenfranchise voters of color, specifically Black voters who were decisive in the 2020 and the 2021 elections. The arrest of state Representative Park Cannon for trying to watch the bill signing of SB202 adds to the evidence that this is just the latest attempt to resurrect the Jim Crow era. But like civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. We will not allow the resurgence of Jim Crow laws stop us from mobilizing our communities and showing up to the polls every election season.

The full article is available on Newsweek.com. Please click here to read.



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